The value of working neat

When you have a project requiring you to physically build or assemble something, there is so much value in working neat. For example, you bought a piece of furniture that needs assembling, or in my print shop, we we may need to assemble binders that have 20 sections. A great habit is to spend some time upfront to neatly layout all the parts or pieces, rather than immediately jumping right in. Spending time on the front end of a project to organize the workspace has multiple benefits.

  • It creates a more pleasant experience since you can easily see all parts of the project.
  • It usually saves on the overall time the project takes, since working neat helps avoid unnecessary frustrations like looking all over for parts, tools, etc.
  • In shared workspaces, working neat respects the work areas of those working around you.
  • In a small business, it can act as a marketing technique. A customer viewing a neat workspace, may trust that you know what you are doing and then trust you with their next project.

January 10, 2019