Make a small business a little better everyday

You have a small business. You are busy all the time, not necessarily with orders, but with everything in general. Small businesses have a way of consuming so much of our time, from fulfilling orders, replenishing stock, paying bills, answering phone calls, hiring, training, putting out fires and more. It’s often hard to find time to work on improving the business, rather than just running it.

Though we might have big goals for the future of the business, it’s important to also think about what we can do today to improve things. It doesn’t have to be a major improvement. What small improvement can be made that might take only 5 minutes? It could be replacing an old looking sign on your front counter, or adjusting a system in the business to make it work just a little better. If you think like this everyday, even on busy days, those improvements add up.

PS – I recommend a book on this topic. Atomic Habits talks about making something 1% better everyday, and gives some great examples.

January 15, 2019