A morning routine to start the day off positive

Aside from your wife, kids, family and friends, what else in life makes you truly happy? What small things instantly make the day just a little better? It can be anything really. After thinking of those things, ask yourself, why not wake up to some of these things to start the day off positive?

Here is a list of what makes my morning routine better on the weekdays.

  • The peace and quiet of the early morning (I usually start the day at about 5:30 am)
    Iced coffee to drink on the way to my shop
  • Seth Godin’s Akimbo podcast in the car during the 10 minute drive
  • Thelonious Monk’s music in the background when I sit at my desk
  • The absence of checking email within the first hour of the day
    Writing daily blog posts like this

PS – I’m not sure I have any readers of this blog (yet), but if someone happens to read this, feel free to share a few things in the comments that give you joy in the mornings.

January 9, 2019