Just what the world needs, another blog. It may sounds like I’m saying this sarcastically, but maybe I’m not. Welcome to my blog. I don’t have a big vision with it (yet). I’m not sure what it will become. What I do know, is that I plan to remain genuine in my thoughts, and hopefully I can add something of value to this world from the life I’ve lived thus far. So here goes…
The morning of January 1st. It’s a great time to reset mainly because January 1st is an easy date to remember. It’s a good time to set goals as well, but I personally don’t like the term goal too much. I think a goal is something that we give ourselves the option of not attaining. I prefer the term decision. A decision holds more personal accountability than a goal. If you’ve truly made a decision, and you stick to that decision, your goal will be attained.