Seth Godin’s Akimbo podcast. He took my question on blogging.

Seth Godin has a great podcast called Akimbo. It’s a weekly podcast that he puts out every Wednesday. It’s a really cool format. I see it as a cross between a blog and a podcast. He picks a topic, and talks for about 20 minutes about it. Then the blog ends with questions from listeners. The questions are recorded by listeners on the Akimbo website, and they are usually about the previous episode.

The episode that came out on Wednesday, February 5th, is called “The Big Sort”. I was listening to it and then it happened. I heard my voice. Seth took my question. I was flattered because I know people from all around the world listen and call in.

My question was about blogging daily and committing to writing every single day. In his answer, he said, “Your work will never be good enough. It will never feel good enough, but we do it anyway.” To me that is so powerful. It’s so easy to get lost in the worry of what other people will think when they read it. In the end, it doesn’t matter. Just put your work out there. If it affects another person in a positive way, then it was all worth it. I personally find another benefit is that it helps clear my mind. It helps get my thoughts out of my head, and it contributes to helping me win the day, especially if it’s done early in the morning.

Thanks you Seth for taking my question.

February 7, 2019