I got up later than usual this morning. I ordered Starbucks on my mobile app, and went to go pick it up. It was crowded. When I walked through the front door, an old man was sitting at a table and said to me “Hello” rather loud. I turned quickly, smiled and said hello back. Then I noticed he did the exact same thing to the next person. Sadly I realized I wasn’t special. I watched how each new person who walked through the door was startled every time he said hello. Starbucks was crowded at this point. While everyone stood far from him waiting for their orders, I said to myself, “No, I won’t stand far.”
I walked back to where he was, and said, “Good Morning”. He stood up, and said to me, “I know each person is surprised when I say hello. They don’t expect it, but I’ve been saying hello to everyone since I was a young boy.” I told him, “For me, it’s nice to get a hello from a kind looking stranger.” I told him that he shouldn’t change a thing, and then I said, “Just because we are used to this world where walking by without a hello is the norm, it doesn’t mean it’s right or makes it any better.” I told him thanks and to enjoy his day. I then went and grabbed my drink, and on my way out, I made sure to say, “Goodbye”, before he beat me to it 🙂